Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Inquiring minds want to know

I pack the bags he packs the car,
once it’s all in we’re sardines in a jar.

We start our drive home then silence goes awry
The twins pose the questions that mostly begin with why.

Why is the sky blue?  Why are we here?
Why is it hot out when it’s cold in here?

Why doesn’t my window button let me roll it down?
Mommy can you hand me my princess crown?

Are we there yet daddy?  Can we watch a dvd?
How much longer?  He is bothering me.

Why are those lines on poles by the streets?
Why is that old lady hanging up sheets?

Why is she drying them outside in the yard?
She could buy herself a dryer if you give her your check card!

Why can I still see the moon in the day
When the sun comes out isn’t it suppose to go away?

I am very hungry and I have to pee
I want to get out mommy do you hear me?

Mommy I am talking so please listen to my words
I want to get out, HEY look at all the birds!

Why are they flying why can’t they be still
Why did that oil all have to spill?
Mommy lift up your face from out of your hands
I want to tell you something! Did you bring my silly bands?

Hand me that book please, will you read it to me?
Move closer to daddy so I can see.

Why is this car ride taking so long?
Mommy stop reading and sing me a song.

I really have to pee I can’t hold it anymore
Why are we stopping here?  I want to stop at a store.

Why is it raining? What is that sound?
Is it God dropping potatoes on heavens ground?

Will the storm last long? Can you see to drive?
Mommy guess what? After 4 comes 5!

I wanna get out my butt is numb
Why do I have fingers? Do I really need thumbs?

Now I have to poop! Mommy so do I
Stop this car now or I am going to cry.

Do we have school tomorrow?  Are we there yet?
Can we play in the rain?  Will we get wet?

Why are you guys laughing?  Did we say something funny?
Can we cease and desist with questions now honey?

Mommy and daddy need quiet for a while
Didn’t you get enough quiet before you had a child?

Then we pop Mouse Cookies in the cd player
Dad takes a deep breath and I pop a Bayer. (aspirin)

It is silent for a bit.  Mommy and Daddy re-group.
We drive passed a couple in a Mercedes coupe.

They look over at us and give us a smile.
That tells us they remember but it’s been a while.

Since their drives were busy with questions and babies
Why’s, when’s and pee stops, yes no’s and maybe’s.

We realize we are lucky and we smile at each other.
Not everyone gets the chance to be a Father or a Mother.

They will be gone before we know it, how quickly they grow
So enjoy every question inquiring minds want to know!


  1. I always enjoy your posts - you are quite the talented story-teller.

  2. This reminds me of "Where the Sidewalk Ends"--love your poems!
