Saturday, June 25, 2011


You know the tune right???

Supercalifragilisticexpealidoshus in order to forget this song I may require hypnosis! 
If I hear it anymore I will be in psychosis!! supercalifragilisticexpealidoshus.

Hum diddle diddle diddle dum diddle die
Hum diddle diddle diddle dum diddle die

Since my mom taught my twins this, it’s all they now are singing
In my house and everywhere, my ears, they are a-ringing!
Thank you mom now from the ceiling by your heels
I’m stringing
Please don’t teach them more show tunes
Or else your neck I’m wringing!

Hum diddle diddle diddle dum diddle die
Hum diddle diddle diddle dum diddle die

I drank so much last night!  Today I feel I need a casket
I love my kids to pieces but they’ve made me drop my basket
If they don’t stop this fucking song I’m going to blow a gasket
Supercali OMG a nap would be fantastic!

Hum diddle diddle diddle dum diddle die
Hum diddle diddle diddle dum diddle die

Supercalifragilisticexpealidoshus NOW the very sound of it is making me ferocious.
Anybody have good meds that I could use to dose us?
I must avoid a frantic bout of hysterical neurosis.

Hum diddle diddle diddle dum diddle die
Hum diddle diddle diddle dum diddle die

So you get the point right? Well just in case...

I begged and pleaded for their help because my ears were bleeding
hearing this damn song so much, my mood had turned to seething
They replied that's FINE with we'll  just sing it backwards
OMG another version! Now I must be leaving!!

Mommy OUT!