Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Spring Break Chronicles continue...

more things you DO NOT want to hear!

Mommy, its going everywhere and I cannot stop it!

Are you freakin serious, haven’t we been here already???? Yes but this time it is in the middle of the night and it doesn’t have anything to do with poop.

We, Santa Clause (I know I know, keep reading) and I are on the couch watching a movie. Not something we are able to do without hitting pause less than 25 times. So a normal movie takes us about 48 hours to watch. We are watching a new release and starting to get into it. All of a sudden there arouse this little voice so we stopped the movie because we had no choice! It is 11:30 pm and everyone is asleep. Really? Well almost. I hear two little feet hit the floor. I am a mommy that knows the sound of her babies and which is which by just hearing a simple breath or a roll over in the bed (no different from any mommy) and I live with a daddy that has no idea who is who until they are right in his face but this is mostly due to selective hearing (a disease all married men will eventually contract. Its not necessarily terminal but it can be if you smack them hard enough). I figure out immediately that this is the boy child. I hear his feet hit the tile floor in the bathroom…. then, silence. I sit there wondering if I was wrong, (NEVER happens. Hey you can write it any way you want when YOU have a kingdom) was it the girl because I didn’t hear the lid slam down with only the force and fervor my little bull in a china shop can muster. Then he yells, “mommy, it is getting everywhere and I cannot stop it”. I fly up the stairs …ok lets go to the ever-popular Christmas poem for the remainder of this story.

And what to my wondering eyes should I see,

but a tiny little boy who was covered in pee.

He was dazed and confused I could see from the door,

had his top hat on with his undies at the floor.

I tried not to laugh as he started to cry

because everything was wet, nothing was dry.

He had pee’d on the toilet and also the wall.

He had sprayed the towels, the counter and some of the hall.

He even hit his chest and the tip of his nose

yes he was dripping from his head to his toes.

The victim of an innocent thing his sister did,

she got up to pee and then put down the lid.

When he went to go and started his stream

both lids were down so he stated to scream.

A girl can stop but a boy cannot,

a lesson learned the hard way by this precious little tot.

I picked up the rug and tossed it to dad

then hugged the boy child because he now was mad!

Through laughter I hugged him and to his chagrin,

I squeezed him so tightly he pissed on MY chin.

This made him feel better and he started to laugh,

looked up and said “mommy now we both need a bath”.

We will do it tomorrow don’t worry about that

And I scooped up the boy wearing only a top hat.

Clean underwear on and tucked safely in bed, I came back downstairs and to my king said. All is well with the twins my dear Mr. Clause now lets watch the movie, thanks for hitting pause!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Break comes to Mommy Town. Things you DO NOT want to hear!

 Spring Break 2010 comes to Mommy Town

Things you DO NOT want to hear!!!

1.     Mommy the paper in the toilet won’t go down and the water is really cold on my feet!  Can you come help me?  You damn skippy son I am on my way. 


Go upstairs to find boy child standing in front of the toilet with his drawers (that is southern for underwear) at his ankles and his slash style top hat on with water running over the toilet onto his feet and the floor.  Add a few little brown pellets rolling over the side and yes folks we have a party!  I go in up to my elbow and start pulling toilet paper out of the toilet along with about 25 little turds, while trying to turn the water off all at the same time.  Boy do I know how to have fun or what?  Boy child goes “Mommy those brown things are mine but I have NO IDEA how all that toilet paper got there, are you happy at me?”  Still standing in the water with his drawers at his ankles and his top hat on giggling at me.  I finally get to the end of the mass of toilet paper he has shoved into the toilet.  If there is an ass big enough to need this much Charmin I DO NOT want to see it!  The toilet begins to suck back the little turds and water much like the ocean does its storm surge after a category 4 hurricane.  Mommy is not holding on to the paper tight enough so the toilet sucks it back and it clogs again.  I say SHIT and son please move back so I can get all this cleaned up.  I go for the water valve again and drop my knee right on a runaway turd.  Yep its getting fun now!  Boy child says “ mommy, now you have really made a mess.”  Realizing that in his world this is entirely my fault.   I slip and hit my chin on the toilet. Which makes me stand up and say F*#k it!  You guessed it folks… I step on yet another runaway turd.  Finally I reach down and grab all the paper out of the toilet with a fury and let all the remaining contents drain into the abyss.  Stand up and sling the wad of toilet paper towards the tub!  Clean up the floor, throw the rugs in the garbage and look at boy child, aka slash, standing in the tub watching me, then I see the mass of toilet paper I tossed, sticking to the side of the tub SO close to his head it actually makes me laugh.  He says “boy mommy that was close.”  I say you are right little man next time don’t use so much ok?  He says,” you got it mommy, I love you and you are the best mommy I have ever had!”  Love my life J


2.    Mommy this toothpaste does not taste right, I think something is wrong with it. 


This one is all me, my fault straight out of the gate.  Tired from not very much sleep, which seems to be the situation on a regular basis. I fixed the toothbrush for the girl child.  She started brushing her teeth and being the intelligent child she is, she let me know something was rotten in Denmark!  Well it seems mommy of the year picked up the Boudreaux’s butt paste instead of the Dora the Explorer Colgate toothpaste and loaded her toothbrush up!  Good thing she didn’t tell me her whoohaa (that is what we call it to avoid the V word) was hurting.  Chances are Colgate on the cooter would have sent us straight to the doctor with some serious explaining to do.  Good thing DSS doesn't have a desk at the local pediatricians office. Yep I am watching the door for my mommy of the year award to show up.  Stellar morning in this castle.

3.    Mommy I love you but I don’t want to live here right now.  Can you call    Gammy and Gaga to see when they are going to come pick me up? Oh yeah and mommy I will call you when I am ready for you to pick me up ok?

Don't you love getting the don't call me, I'll call you from your children?  How could I argue with this very smart young child who was trying to get out while the getting was good.  My sentiment was, sure honey I will be happy to do that just as soon as I pack all my things because right now I don't really want to live here either.  4 days and counting until spring break 2010 is over!!!



Wednesday, March 17, 2010

The Wife The Ring and The Masters.

Woke up in a fowl mood this morning (laid out chicken for on words and all.) no wonder I woke up ill (that's southern for mad as hell)...I do not recall falling asleep. For some reason lately sleep seems to be eluding me. (Will post about that later) So not only am I the walking wounded, counter productive, sluggish and mainlining coffee...I am also in a really bad mood. Throw a little PMS in the mix and you can color me a carbon based life form in major need of an attitude adjustment.
Status update, for you face bookers... Queen is: PWP (posting while pms-ing) or would that be for twitter? I don't twitter!

So watching the Today show this morning...a 20-minute segment on Tiger Woods returning to Golf. Will Elin be with him and will she be wearing her ring? No Shit...this was a major news story. Healthcare system in shambles, war going on ...well not really a war know just our troops over in foreign lands hanging out, defusing bombs, protecting people who some of which do not want them there or care that they are there, sleeping in tents, dealing with sand storms and god forbid, huge spiders and snakes. 3 children in our country (that we know of) are missing, car accidents are happening because Toyota cannot figure out how to actually make a car run and stop the way it is suppose to. Now Honda jumps on gas pedal or brake bandwagon, our economy sucks ass...and a major news story is The Wife the Ring and The Masters?? I love Matt Lauer and will continue to do so because I am choosing to believe that he saw THIS little goody on the docket and said to his producers...hell no make Meredith or Anne talk about that bullshit! Where in the world is Matt Lauer? Somewhere covering a story people will actually give a shit about!

Don't get me wrong I feel sorry for Elin and all because what happened to her would suck out loud. But hey, nothing like multiple millions of dollars to make a bride feel a wee bit better about her husband getting busted for slamming about 18 holes in one news segment. I feel sorry for him too, two and half months in rehab for sexual addiction must have sucked. Or would it blow?? Blow is only an expression so it must have sucked! Yeah that's it...moving on now...hold on... isn't rehab for quitters? Boy, do you look forward to graduating from that program or what??? Do you really want to stay with a man who should carry the tag line...SEX...? JUST SAY NO. Wait, that’s drugs...thank you Nancy Regan... and it would be SEX JUST SAY NO. TO GOUPIES (that’s golf groupies)...I digress...which I am good at. Then to have to go on the news...which made all sorts of ridiculous people who are suppose to be working for the pictures of their offices...sitting down around conference tables watching his "little ditty” Way to be productive middle America. Oh come on kicking a brotha while is down is straight up fun! This is when I felt sorry for Tiger because he looked more like a lamb...the sacrificial kind, than a Big time golfer... Like a wild Indian looking for a place to take shit.... not a comfortable place to be I would imagine. How come when the average man who thinks he is a God, a Rock Star, and gift to all women decides to go offshore drilling... no one wants him to do a news conference? BUT we do all want to watch his sorry ass go down in divorce court now don't we...hell yeah we do.... we hope you end up on food stamps to you dirt dick!

Back to today's segment. The news folks with gleams in their eyes talked about Tiger making his come back...come on 2 month out of the media doesn't really classify as a come back but ok... He will come back at the Masters and will Elin be there...and more importantly will she be wearing her ring. Hell I for one would be more interested in whether or not she is wearing underwear...and if she is a shaver or a waxer???? But they really wanted to know if she would be wearing her ring. Skip to Photography meetings in Augusta...goes something like this... Now, people we don't care about clothing, who else is there, or the game of golf...because after all someone will win and get that hideous green jacket ...that my friends is a foregone conclusion.... so what we want, is for you to focus on is the left hand of the wife of the promiscuous putter himself. Not the right hand, we don't care if she is wearing Yurman, Hardy or a mood ring on the other hand just the left hand, fourth finger... got it? The digit that contains the artery connection that takes it to the heart. (AKA THE ring finger). Any Questions? Ok, you in the guy, waz your question? What if she is carrying the baby? Fuck the kids, we all got um...we only want to be the first to get the shot of the ring or the empty it...good now lets get out there and stalk some people.

Here is how the morning went....

Meanwhile...back at the mansion.... Somewhere in Augusta... in a crazy big house (on that golf course. of course) that a family moved out of.... empties of everything. Redecorates and rents out to a humble millionaire for a week, of his or her life, at the masters. Elin is getting dressed. Kids...mommy needs some help.... should I wear the white shorts. (Elin thinks to the masters after Easter??) The masters is in the south bitch it better be if you plan on wearing white shorts...cause WE don't care how they do it in Sweden. We will talk about your ass even if your husband was caught diddling the Pope! Should I wear pink shirt, red shirt (blondes look great in red) tennis shoes, Jimmy Choo's or croc's (do people wear those anymore? Hair up or down, baseball cap? Yes no? Come on guys I need some help; this is a big day for daddy! Earrings. Hoops or diamonds? Fast-forward 2 hours later. Mommy is dressed and is a pretty picture of Swedish beauty I am betting. Breakfast is over, house is cleaned up, expensive sunglasses are on face and babies are loaded into rented range rover. While starting scream MOMMY juice boxes...don't forget (mine scream this...maybe hers do????) Shit, says Elin...lemme get out and get them, mommy almost forgot. While reaching for the handle of the refrigerator that is in the garage.... she notices HAH, I don't have my rings on.... damn, he did cheat...should I wear the ring, will anyone notice, what will they I forgiving him, will they like me if I do, damn is the ring clean? Do I have time for that.... damn it...the whole world of golf feels sorry for his punk ass...lemme go get the ring, I so don't have time for this.... comes back, jumps in rover... kids... MOMMY… GET THE JUICE BOXES!!!! Elin...jeez with the juice boxes... opens the frig (and you bet your sweet ass its the swedish, energy saving kind) looks in.see's all the way to the back... NO FREAKIN JUICE BOXES... kids, we are out of juice boxes, sweeties mommy is so ... lose their shit, scream, cry, pitch proverbial fits, and cut mommy Elin NO slack... stressing mommy out and making her feel like a loser for running out of such a key item to the life and moods of a toddler. Elin says to herself.... damn...we are running so late, I will never get a parking place now... FUCK IT I AM NOT GOING TO THE MASTERS!!! Must go grocery shopping instead...because someone in this family has to have their priorities on the right green.
There in lies the news story.... no big deal right.... wearing your jewelry or not doesn't really factor into the life of a busy mom for more than a fleeting moment while she quickly moves on to what really counts. Sure wish the media could do this!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Plague of Biblical Proportions

The illness so bad I thought I was going to have to sacrifice something to the gods of wellness for obvious reasons.  Zero'd in on a neighbor's don't go all highbrow on me, thats my job...I am only kidding anyway,  it simply flew out of the fevered mind of a sick, dehydrated and really tired mommy and landed on an inconsiderate neighbor and the dog he lets crap on my yard.

Read on…

Most folks I meet seem to take themselves and what they have to say VERY seriously, this holds true for the women in my family.  When these women I speak of  are very serious about what they have to say, the diatribe will begin with the statement, “Let me tell you something”!  When you hear this, the stance you may be looking at from aforementioned women will be rock solid with both feet planted firmly on the ground (sitting or standing position) and will also include either a tilted head, a raised eyebrow (but only one) an index finger pointed at you, or with a merit ultra light hanging from the right side of the lip and a tumbler containing ice water and a flexible straw in hand, god rest my grandmother’s soul.  I, on the other hand rarely mean what I say in the serious tense so when I call the recent sickness to converge upon our home as the plague of biblical proportions, I am OF COURSE speaking tongue in cheek.  The funny thing about this is the way people takethat statement.  You can tell the religious affiliation of a person when you say this in front of them.  The catholic will smile painfully but feel guilty.  The Episcopalian laughs wholeheartedly, no guilt there.  The Methodist and Presbyterians will smile, ask you who your mother was before she was married and pray for you and finally, the southern Baptist, bless their hearts……crickets!  Raised southern Baptist, I am now Disciples of Christ, which is Christian although some folks seem to think it’s the kind of church you have to bring a live snake or chicken with you to service.  Not true and quite the opposite, we are merely a combination of affiliations gathering together for the common purpose.  We laugh, tell jokes, dance, wear short pants, we have been known to show our shoulders in church, some of us drink and we take communion at our seats with grape juice and wafers AND we willfully admit to all the above.

 Now back to the plague of biblical proportions, aka the doc Holiday hack, the death rattle, the snot rot, the disease to displease, puke fest 2010, and the Katmandu quickstep.  Just when I say “this is the sickest I have ever been” my body raises the bar.  I started out with the noro-virus, which kept me in the bathroom puking my guts out for 7 and a half hours followed by 4 days of the worst gas, bloating and cramps a human being can have without giving birth to an alien comprised primarily of excrement.  If I had ever thought of myself as a lady, believe you me this illness presented me with the hard fact THAT title does not nor will it ever apply to me.  I awakened on the 4th day feeling as though my head had been hollowed out and filled with a cactus plant full of fire ants.  I could not smell, hear or see.  I stumbled to the bathroom, looked in the mirror and saw what appeared to be staring back at me as the face and hair of a crack whore.  My husband made me feel, well lets say better?  by saying  “No sweetheart, I have seen one of those up close and you are not her” Nice I thought, a beautiful exchange between me and the man legally bound to love me for better or worse AND in the process of doing so in sickness rather than health. To be clear and to clear the name of the most wonderful man on earth, I was ok with this because I know the crack whore of which he was speaking and there was definitely no crack of any kind shared between them...Jon is simply not that kind and you know, just say no and all.  I went in, got dressed, brushed my teeth (because I was sure my breath would turn a funeral procession quickly down an alley) and sped across town to the doctor.  I was told that not only did I have noro-virus I was also the proud owner of a double ear infection, pink eye in both eyes, a sinus infection, and a head cold.  I looked at her trying to help me without touching me and said Is that all?  To which she replied, Isn’t that enough Queenie?  I said "well for this week it is but I am guessing the antibiotic you are going to give me will be strong enough to cure Alaska of of its republicans so can you please give me some monostat to go along with it?  Because I have the feeling I am going to need it! (If you are reading this and don't understand... then you are either the dumbest female ever, to young to be here, or a man... and in the last case... don't ask)  I then went to the drug store and purchased all my prescriptions, gatoraide, pedilyte (in case the twins get it) ibuprophen, cough medicine, Sudafed, hard candy(because my throat felt like it had an asphalt highway being poured into it), cotton balls, water and some crackers.  My ears hurt so bad that I cracked open the ear drops and poured them into my ears before I left the parking lot, then drove home like a cow staring at a new gate with my head all  tilted to the side.  I did not even care that people were looking at me and trust me, they were! When I pulled into the garage I looked into the rear view mirror and there was that damn crack whore again…sunglasses perched on top of baseball cap, which was turned to the side with the bill pointing at the driver’s window. …think hip hop. 

My hair was matted to my head because shower?  No way, to sick.  I looked like someone you would see in the slammer magazine or on the smoking gun’s website. …think Nick Nolte mugshot!

  I am sure I smelled like someone you would find at your local DMV office.  I got home, went to bed and woke up hoping the next day would be better, nope still felt like shit.   


Who ya gon call..we needed help up in here….


I would not even allow the red cross or FEMA in this house for fear of a lawsuit but we needed help. We were low on supplies, my parents were sick with it also and the natives were getting restless so several days later in the jungle, mommy sent up a smoke signal in the form of an email to best friend.  She came to the rescue with groceries!  Left them on the front porch( as instructed) with a check slid through the door like payment for a drug drop…Quick, she’s gone now open the door get in the goods!  We may never see or hear from the outside world again so thank god for the cokes and cream of wheat and the best friend.  Just then a lady from our church called.  I answered the phone, which is something I am not good at even when I feel well...... she wanted to chat.  I did not! I listened as long as my patience would allow, which was about 2 minutes, then I said I am sorry but we are all sick and will not be at church to help with this item.  We will see you when we feel better, if that ever happens but I think we are dealing with the plague of biblical proportions here and I must go.  Silence from the church lady for a moment, then laughed then said feel better and hung up.  Perfect answer! I went back to bed. That brings me to the plague, the sacrifice and the dog.  Neighbor behind me walks his 10 pound dog several times a day.... and each time he lets the dog relieve himself in the same place in my yard.  I have wished death and dismemberment on this dog so many times that a sacrifice seems weak.  I was looking out the window wondering if anyone would miss me, if this affliction truly was a plague and everyone was dying and if I even had the energy to get better.  Then, walking up the street, comes the neighbor and the dog.  Yes the one who lets the little bastard crap in my yard several times a day.  There in lies the sacrifice....cannot kill the neighbor because I would never survive a trial or prison as badly as I was feeling.  SO just go after the dog....I thought of the bible (because God please help me I am so sick) then the plague ( locusts, sickness etc) then a sacrifice to the gods... in my case, the ones of wellness ( blood painted on the doors..passover and sparing those participants).  I  think you get the picture.  My mom called, I tried to verbalize this to her as a metaphor of how sick I was ..... she said "Let me tell you something, you shouldn't joke about such a thing."   I hung up the phone and crawled into bed.