Wednesday, October 16, 2013

OK bitches, I retired early

I am no longer working

Maybe now....

I can take up twerking?

A needed break in my career

I am a stay at home mom

I can finally sleep late

It is gonna be THA BOMB

Its gonna be G R E A T!  I’ll bake cookies

And volunteer in their class

Then a friend reminds me

Other kids are a pain in the ass.

Quickly learning rest is for the wicked

And the righteous don’t need it

my yard needs work….

Maybe I will try to seed it?!?!

So I gave up my job

And fired my maid

I am going to clean, work out and diet

Be a shadow of what I once weighed

Hmmm mmmm free time for me

That ain’t right

It takes more than one mommy

To keep a house tight!

I have never worked harder

Or worked for less dollars

But they tell me it is rewarding

To be raising a couple of scholars.

Who the hell are THEY

Sister wives no doubt

Cause there is no other way

To bust all this shit OUT!

Rewarding it is

So not to be lessened or diminished

But nothing ever seems

To be completed.  Done.  Finished.

The clock goes off

Let the whining begin

Boom!  I am on trial

I feel like Ann Boleyn

They go for the jugular

Fresh out of bed

No visions of sugarplums

Up in THEIR heads!

Turn off the lights NOW mommy

It is just too bright

Who made them vampires

In the middle of the night!

My cereal is soggy

Make me pancakes instead!!

It is only soggy cause you’ve been bitching

Since you crawled out of bed!?!?!

I have nothing to wear

Can you PLEASE wash some clothes???

If I don’t get these czars out of my house

It’s gon come to blows.

It is STILL TOO bright mommy

SWEETIE, I need the light to make lunches

Yea well you SHOULD make them at night

Damn girl child is throwing low punches!

Really? Starting tomorrow

You can make them yourself!

Cause my ass is TIRED

Of playing the lunch elf!

Great start to the day

Hugs and kisses at the door

Can y'all get the hell out please?

I gotta mop the floor!

Why do we bother?

Because once they come back

They whole entire house

Will be a dirt track.

I sit to have coffee

Maybe it will warm my black heart

Damn this morning was awful

Can I get a fresh start?

Speaking of start

I have a date with the laundry

Wash clothes or clean bathrooms

My my, what a quandary!

                                                              (what people think we look like)

(what we actually look like)

I feel like Cinderella

But look more like Maxine

There is a pile on the island

Containing 4 new magazines

Who has time to read?

This place is a mess

I go to the pantry

And begin to assess

The damage done there

By the pillage and plunder

Of kids after school

Who roll in like thunder.

When they come home they are starving

And grunt like cavemen

Sigh, I could use a wife like me

Every now and then.

I sit for a second

In my chair that rocks

What is that smell??

Damn, the litter box!

Clean that box of nasty

So it’s fresh for the cat

I can tell you right NOW

Ain’t nobody got time for that!

Off to the store

Then back to pay bills

I am organizing this hizzle

With all my mad skillz!

In a  flurry of activity

The school calls, how nice

Stop what you are doing

We have a breakout of LICE!

Oh hell NO…!

We had those last year!!

If everyone THERE has them

Why bring them HERE?!?!?!

Oh yea, damn they are mine

I gotta go pick um up.

still drinking coffee

but now there is scotch in my cup!

Nothing strikes fear

In the heart of a mommy

Like the words HEAD LICE!!!

Seriously, I would prefer a tsunami!

The things you must do now

Make you cry, cuss and frown

I swear it would be easier

To just burn your house down!

Now washing blankets, stuffed animals

Bedding, pillows and hair

I find myself sniveling, catatonic

And babbling the Lords prayer.

My poor kids are clean now

But have been put through the ringer

I think they finally understand

Why mommy is a drinker.

I am tired and hungry

Bedraggled and wet

My knuckles are bleeding

Is this day over yet?

Now chance! onto dinner

Can we please just eat cake?

Seriously??  With all this drama??

Do you think I had time to bake?

This is all in a day

And it doesn’t come close

To being anywhere near over

And it is just one fifth of the dose.

There are five of these suckers

A whole damn week

Being a stay at home mom

Is not for the meek.

This shit is serious

Always something to do

I need to find another job

Before I become a shrew.

The worst of the story

And much to my horror

I have to wake up

And do it again tomorrow.

You will get into your groove

That is what my friends say

What I NEED is a friend

With cigarettes and an ashtray!

I don’t even smoke

But I swear it sounds good

I would smoke one as long as my arm

Right now if I could!

After dinner its bath time

Then books and to bed

Would y’all stop messing around

And just do as I said?

please go to sleep

because tomorrow comes early

Don’t you want mommy happy

Instead of surly?

Some time before dawn

My husband arrives

Says how was your day dear?

Looks like you survived.

I start from the beginning

Imma tell him the whole story

Wait, what is that noise??

Hhmmff that motha fucka is snoring!

I will follow my own damn advice

And just go to sleep

Then in the morning start on the laundry

That is still in a heap.

SAHM for a few days

And my ass is ready to drop

To all stay at home moms…

You got it, props!

The next one to ask “What do y'all do all day,

Meet friends and have lunch”??????

Gets a kick in the nads

And a massive throat punch!

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