Thursday, February 17, 2011
I love the cookies but hate the aggravating sales campaign used to make us purchase them. A mommy, usually dressed in mommy jeans and some form of a sweatshirt, white socks and keds tennis shoes comes to the door with one or more scraggly teeth little girls ( who by the way could not look more disinterested in selling friggin cookies) and knocks at THE MOST inopportune time. If no one responds, do they go away? Oh heavens no, just like the Jehovah Witness people, they ring the door bell. I am a loyal shopper so I only buy them from one person, who by the way has two of the cutest little girls in the world and I would buy anything they sell. This mommy is not a girl scout cookie nazi, she is a good egg! She sends an email or message via facebook and boom, she is done. Several weeks later she comes with her adorable daughter to bring you your cookies. Love her! My husband and I are not smart enough to coordinate our purchases so about two weeks after they hit our house, he comes home with about 5 boxes of thin mints, ginning like a goof ball.
My freezer is full of the foul little peppermint patty wannabe's until summer. I did not buy any this year because I did not get an email from my friend who sells them. So I have sworn off answering the door or shopping at places that allow these mommies and their daughters to stand out front and sell them. Why is it almost always a table with 4 or more moms drinking coffee and yelling at the patrons to "get your girl scout cookies here!" But there are only 1 or 2 little girls in attendance and they are always talking to each other or playing some video game? Isn't this designed to teach your daughters something? Anyway...I stay away from grocery stores and shops until night fall so that I do not have to defend my NO to these people. It is not that I think the girl scouts are bad, I know they are great but I do not like the bum rush I get before going into the store! For the record, I do not take the tootsie roll or stick money in the red caldron for the bell ringers either but I do give to that organization also. Again, its the bum rush I hate. I am sure I have verbalized my disdain for the cookie campaign in front of my children at some point but it is not something I regularly do. What happened today is proof that I do talk about it and that our children are sponges.
We had a birthday party to attend and my daughter wanted to pick the gift out herself. Only fair right? So we headed to K-Mart. We pulled into the parking lot and I saw the standard table, over run with moms and lacking in the little girl department. I gave a sigh and shook my head but my daughter was reading in the back seat so she did not see me. We got out and headed to the door. The moms were yelling at people about buying cookies and talking loudly to each other as if they were the only people in the world. I was all prepared to shoot them a "don't bother me, I am with my daughter" their way and so far, I was doing a VERY good job of looking down at the street (ignoring them) and keeping pace with my daughter when she grabs my hand, takes a deep breath, screams and points at the table. "OMG MOMMY LOOK OVER THERE, ITS THE COOKIE PUSHERS" Just to make sure I heard her...she repeated the COOKIE PUSHER part. I started to laugh, literally OUT LOUD, I swallowed my gum and choked on my own saliva I was laughing so hard. I picked her up and hugged her while I was laughing and we walked past the cookie table and the moms who were giving me serious stink eye. Needless to say, the table is now quiet. We went inside, picked out our gift and went home without purchasing cookies OR being asked again if we wanted any.
Got home and was home long enough to set our purchase down, fix the twins some lunch and had started cleaning the house when on the front porch there arose such a clatter....ding dong...avon? Jehovah Witness? Encyclopedia salesman? NOPE..a mommy dressed in an outfit that screamed 1980 called and they want their clothes back! She was selling guess what? Girl Scout cookies. My husband answered it because I answer neither the door nor the phone. He left her on the front porch while HE searched for MY checkbook. It was cold but yet she stood there with the door WIDE open. WTF? Were you raised in a barn??? Hi, welcome to our front porch you inconsiderate cookie person, oh no don't bother to come in or stay completely out just keep standing there with the damn door open! We are paying to heat the outside today and appreciate your contribution! I just kept vacuuming and never looked up. Thirty minutes later I go for something to drink and when I open the freezer for ice, guess what I see.
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