are almost at the two-week cut off for the sleep schedule thingy. Why is
this taking so long! I am tired, they are tired and I have landed both
feet into frustration. Completely disgusted is gaining on me and I am
sure to feel beaten when that hits. I did this when they were 2 years old
and it was easier. They were less mobile and less able to fight the
process. When all else failed then, we had the dreaded doorknob. I
love the doorknob; it was acceptable where a pad lock is not. It is
designed to keep kids out of a room but we totally used it to keep kids IN a
room. Worked like a charm. Years after the doorknob was
removed, it still struck a cord with the twins when we mentioned it.
"You had better stay in your room tonight and sleep, I would hate to use dum dum
dummmmm, THE DOOR KNOB." They would look at us with wide eyes,
like the OMG I just saw Santa coming
out of the chimney, eyes and magically they would settle right
The Doorknob
Story behind the doorknob.
was out of town and I thought it was time to move the twins out of their
cribs. The next two nights that I went through were hell and doing it
while daddy was out of town was the only way to get er done! He would
never have survived it and would have stopped me cold in my tracks. See
were climbing out of the cribs (once this starts it is time to do away with the
cribs. The challenge is over AND its all fun and games until someone
breaks an arm) and playing in their room until that got boring, then they
migrated out into the hall and made their way downstairs. Back in this
day I was less worried about them coming down stairs and aggravating me and
more worried about them falling down the steps. I started taking the
cribs apart and OH MY GOD! I was wicked pregnant when he put them
together but I swear I do not remember him using titanium, a sauter gun and super glue.
I tried using screwdriver after screwdriver and nothing was budging! I
even used a hammer and a chisel and got a little movement. This told me I
needed the big guns so I went into the garage and summoned the axe. I
made the twins sit on the guest bed, which is across the hall, and in no way
close to the scene of the crime that was about to take place. I will
never forget the look on their faces.... oh yeah, this bitch is crazy and daddy
left us here with HER. I went to work with the axe and after not to
terribly long, I had the makings of a good fire. Chips and pieces
everywhere! There is more than one way to skin a cat and I was pretty
sure that now I did not need to bother with eBay or good will for these
cribs...they were toothpicks now! I cleaned up the mess and redecorated
their rooms. They were now going to sleep on the crib mattresses on the
floor until I decided what kind of bedroom suites I wanted for them. Dark
was on its way and I was going to need help with bedtime. Our toddler
whisperer had given me some advice, I had formulated a plan and I was ready to
go. I was getting nervous and thought, I can't do this alone, and I
need a friend with a Quaalude and a blindfold! SO daddy being out of
town, I enlisted another wing man, my best friend. Not just for moral
support but also for a witness that my children went unharmed. She got
here, we all had dinner, read books and time for bed. We administered
good night kisses and explained that if they got out of bed and left their room
that I would first close the door. Took about 10 minutes and I had to
mommy up and close the door. I explained then that the next step was to
use the new doorknob. I didn't explain the level of difficulty with said doorknob;
I was going to let them figure that out for themselves. Again, 10 minutes
later.... I had to use the doorknob. My friend and I went upstairs,
turned on the light and put the doorknob on. I pinched my fingers 3 times
trying to get that sucker on! Finally it snapped into place and it was
on! We stood outside the door and waited. We were both sweating
like thieves for what was about to happen. All of a sudden plop
plop, we heard little feet hit the floor and whispering going on. 30
seconds later, the doorknob started trying to turn. Nothing, then the
other twin tried, and again...nothing. They started talking to each
other. "Help me, help me get this door open." "I am
trying, I can't get it." It escalated from there and suddenly the
screaming started.
paced the floor waiting. I was crying, best friend was crying, twins were
screaming. I went downstairs and took a shot of tequila and went out onto
the deck to smoke a cigarette! This sucks! Came back upstairs and
looked at my friend, it was now her turn to go downstairs for a couple shots of
courage. What happened next made us both laugh and cry. The door
knob stopped rattling but the screaming got worse...." MOMMY MOMMY PLEASE
We heard something at the bottom of the door and looked down to find twenty
little fingers feverishly trying to break free and find mommy. OMG, now I know how the people working for
Hitler must have felt. I decided right then that if I ever wrote a book,
the chapter that covered sleeping would be called Nights in concentration
camping! It seriously looked like the gas chamber in Auschwitz!
Fingers under the door and screams for freedom. My friend said, "Just
go downstairs...this is bothering me but it’s killing you." She was
right. I went downstairs and took another shot. Went back upstairs
and stood with her for a few minutes (we were 45 minutes into this process now) the
screaming stopped and it got silent. We waited a few more minutes and
then decided to go in. The twins were both on their mattresses sound
asleep. The boy child was all the way on his and the girl was half on and
half off when she gave it up. We loved on them both and came downstairs
to recover.
husband called that night and said, "Hey honey how are you? How are
the twins?" He also added, "you sound tired." Shit
he had no idea. I knew none of the above could have been done with him in
residence (he can't handle the tough love parenting thing) but I also figured
he would hit the roof when I told him how it went down. I started my
story. I was sure to tell him that I had gotten advice on how to do this
from our source. I wanted him to blame her or at least hate us both but
more than anything understand that I was not evil just determined to keep them
in bed and proceed with a good schedule for sleep. He went silent for the
most part when I told him I enlisted an axe. I think he imagined
also went in even further to ask him who the hell he put those cribs together
for, King Kong? Those things would have survived if our house blew away!
He laughed at his handy work but was still silent. I went on to tell him
about the doorknob, fingers under the door, shots, and the 45 minutes in hell
and then softened the blows by telling him how we found the twins when we
entered the room. To my shock he said he was proud of me for doing it and
that he could never had survived it without going in while they were
screaming. Did he mean this or was he just trying not to poke a sleeping
bear? I didn't say much other than, "well, thank you honey but we
will see how tomorrow goes."
next night was a piece of cake, 20 minutes with the door closed of them talking
and playing around and boom! Sound asleep and I never had to use the dreaded doorknob.
These are bright children.
to Current Day......
forward 2 years and we are trying sleep schedule revamping. I think we
are on night number 4 now. My husband and I look like two people who are
coming down from a 6-week drunk. We are tired, irritable and frustrated
with the nights. We have one good one and one bad one. They sleep
one night and act like the flying monkeys the next, compete with the
music! Make no mistake about it, we know the nights they sleep are not
because of our mad parenting skills but because they are EXHAUSTED. So
last night we tried dum dum duummmmm...THE
DOOR KNOB again. Hell why not, worked WELL the first time so why
shouldn't it work this time. The twins are still pixie small and that doorknob
is a bitch so lets give it a shot. My husband dug through the hall closet
until he found it. Ahhhh, sleep cometh! Well you CAN read our poker
faces and we are stoked, hard to hide it. Our twins say nothing and we
tell them nothing about our plans. We put the doorknob on and close the
door then come downstairs and settle in watching TV.
hear the feet hit the floor and the twins begin playing around. No big
deal as long as they stay in their room I don't care if they fall asleep on the
dresser or in the closet. Pretty soon they will figure out the door knob
is back and we will embrace trauma as she pays us a visit. You never know.
Maybe we will even get a Passover on this visit? NOPE, not this
time. It is different though, they start to wiggle the doorknob but there
is no screaming or yelling. It is silent. We look at each other and
think SAWEEEET! We won this one,
thank god for the doorknob.
our happiness was crushed and we both felt like we had a big "L" on
our foreheads. We both have several college degrees between us and a
combined 40 years of work experience under our belts and we have been
outsmarted by two 4 year olds.
There was no noise from upstairs at all but you know.... as a parent, you sense
when something is going on. You just know they are up to
something....primarily it is the quiet that gives it away right? My
husband and I were watching the door to the foyer and waiting to see little
faces come through it. Right on the other side of that door is the
staircase. Our eyes were glued to the doorway for twins when all of a
sudden, THE DOOR KNOB slams up against the front door and rolls into the
den. No words, no laughing, no anything. Nothing was needed, they
won and they knew it.
went into their room and both went to bed and went right to sleep. The
next time I go in there I am going to look at the wall to see if they are
keeping score.